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Wallpaper W Script v3.4.0 Php Script For Free

W-script is a wall­pa­per script and not an image gallery. With that being said you should know that it val­i­dates sizes. The sizes of the wall­pa­pers being uploaded, either via bulk upload or sim­ple upload, are val­i­dated and matched against stan­dard sizes (800×600,1600×1050 etc). If the wall­pa­per is miss­ing 1 pixel (800×599), it will be ignored since there is no res­o­lu­tion with that size.

It may sound like a bug. We care about qual­ity and main­tain­ing ratio and you should be happy this fea­ture is included (yes, it’s a fea­ture) and that your web­site only allows qual­ity wall­pa­pers and fol­lows standards.

If you’re frus­trated about this “fea­ture” think about your vis­i­tors who are down­load­ing wall­pa­pers which do not match their screen sizes.

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